You can get a free estimate by filling out our online form or by calling us directly at 813-567-8010
Do I need to be home during the move?
You must be present the day of the move. You must sign documentation and explain to the movers exactly what is being transferred. You’ll be asked to perform a walkthrough after the movers have loaded the truck. When the truck pulls away, they are finished, therefore it is the time to bring up anything that might have been overlooked.
When is the best time to move?
The summer months, from May to September, are often the busiest for moving companies. You should start planning early if you intend to relocate within that time.
Should I tip the movers or buy them lunch?
It is usual to tip movers, but it is entirely up to you, just like with taxi drivers and waitresses. Tipping the movers is greatly appreciated if you feel they did a good job and looked after you.
Our movers are continually reminded not to inquire, make suggestions, or otherwise put you in a bad situation.
How are your movers hired and screened?
Our hiring procedure is really drawn out. All applicants are vetted, with their backgrounds checked as well as their driving records and other pertinent information. This has helped us develop as a team and keep our attention on quality.